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Garden City Massage Therapy

Image by Jesper Aggergaard


There are many health benefits to receiving a massage. Especially when you get one from a skilled and compassionate practitioner. Massage Therapy has been shown to be effective 

against stress, increasing relaxation, rehabilitating injuries, and relieving  joint pain, to name a

few!  Of course it's never a replacement for routine medical care, but it's a stellar alternative that can help you feel physically, mentally and emotionally better!  And with over 15 years of experience, you're in good hands. I promise! 





                      Garden City Massage Therapy  Garden City Massage Therapy  Garden City Massage Therapy 

About Beverly


Garden City Massage Therapy 


     I studied Massage Therapy, Oriental Medicine and Yoga at the New York College of Health Professions, Division of Holistic Health, Education and Research and hold a degree in Occupational Studies. I am licensed by The State of New York and a member of the American Massage Therapy Association.  â€‹I have been practicing Massage Therapy since 2002 and it has become my passion! Intuitive and very empathetic towards my clients, this practice was built on love for the profession and the connections I have made 

throughout the years. My sessions are goal oriented, and geared to restore function, increase flexibility, and rehabilitate an array of muscle related conditions. Come visit, connect, refresh and restore. It's what I'm here for!

      Garden City Massage Therapy   Garden City Massage Therapy   Garden City Massage Therapy   Garden City Massage Therapy 

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Garden City Massage Therapy

Garden City Massage Therapy

Garden City Massage Therapy

Garden City Massage Therapy

Areas of Expertise


Muscle Energy Techniques

Trigger Point Pressure Release 

Deep Tissue

Sports Massage / Flexibility training

Swedish/Relaxation/guided meditation


Foot Reflexology






Garden City Massage Therapy

Garden City Massage Therapy

Garden City Massage Therapy

Garden City Massage Therapy

Garden City Massage Therapy

Garden City Massage Therapy

Garden City Massage Therapy

Garden City Massage Therapy


Garden City Massage Therapy. Garden City Massage Therapy. Garden City Massage Therapy. Garden City Massage Therapy. Garden City Massage Therapy. Garden City Massage Therapy. Garden City Massage Therapy Garden City Massage Therapy. Garden City Massage Therapy.

Muscle Energy Technique: Muscle Energy Techniques (METs) describes a broad class of manual therapy techniques directed at improving musculoskeletal function or joint function, and improving pain


Trigger Point Pressure Release: Release of muscle tension by inactivating the trigger points that are causing the taut bands which are responsible for increased tension Garden City Massage Therapy




Flexibility Training: stretching exercises for the purpose of


increasing range of motion.  Garden City Massage Therapy. Garden City Massage Therapy. Garden City Massage Therapy




Sports MassageDeveloped to help with muscle systems used for a particular sport, sports massage uses a variety of approaches to help athletes in training -- before, during, or after sports events. You might use it to promote flexibility and help prevent injuries. Or, it may help muscle strains, aiding healing after a sports injury.                                     Garden City Massage Therapy Garden City Massage Therapy Garden City Massage Therapy


Swedish massage: A session dedicated to relax the body, mind and soothe the emotional body. 


Geriatric Massage: Geriatric massage therapy is designed to address the specific needs of the elderlypopulation. ... Geriatric massage can be especially helpful for maintaining and improving overall health as we age. It also has been shown to relieve anxiety and provide comfort, especially to touch-deprived elderly clients.

Garden City Massage Therapy


                   I am so happy to announce

                        our re-opening date! 


        I will be booking appointments ahead of time for our

re-opening date of 

Monday August 17th, 2020.


our "book online feature" will be temporarily disabled due to new safety protocols, and screenings. 







Garden City Massage Therapy. Sharing traditions in wellness since 2004!

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